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Procesne rešitve merjenja temperature z uporabo brez kontaktnih IR merilnikov temperature (IR termometer) in IR termografskih kamer v železarski in metalurški industriji

Infrared temperature measurement of the air stages and nozzle bricks in a coke oven with special designed portable pyrometer

Naše rešitve:

Specialni modeli IMPAC IGA 315-K and IS 8 Pro prenosni pirometri z integriranino spominsko enoto za brezkontaktno merjenje temperature v pečeh koksa.

In foundries non-contact temperature measurement techniques are increasingly replacing the use of conventional thermocouples. Specially designed pyrometers satisfy the specific requirements of the measurement of pouring streams.

Skupaj z dobavitelji in z več kot 40 let lastnih izkušenj na področju merjenja temperature v železarski industriji vam pomagamo pri izbiri pravilne opreme. Tako  so na voljo različne aplikacije za različne proizvodne procese in nekatere od njih lahko najdete v nadaljevanju strani.

Aplikacije in industrijske rešitve 

Za več informacij glede posamezne aplikacije, prosimo kliknite na sliko ali opis!

Naše rešitve:

Stacionarni IR merilniki temperature: ISR 12-LO/GS, ISR 12-LO, ISQ 5, ISQ 5 LO, etc.

Prenosni IR merilniki temperature: IS 8-GS pro

Rolling Mills - slabs, bars, billets: Infrared sensors measure strip and sheet temperature so that rolling mill stands can be efficiently set to match the steel’s temperature. Sensors can be used to detect the presence of hot metal and accurately time the roll stand operation.

Naše rešitve:

Stacionarni IR merilniki temperature: ISR 12-LO, ISR 320, ISR 6 advanced

Prenosni IR merilniki temperature: IS 8 pro

Termografske kamere: MIKRON MC 320, DIAS Infrared GmbH

Rolling Mills - slabs, bars, billets: Infrared sensors measure strip and sheet temperature so that rolling mill stands can be efficiently set to match the steel’s temperature. Sensors can be used to detect the presence of hot metal and accurately time the roll stand operation.

Pri procesih vročega oblikovanja in kovanja kovin je izredno pomembna pravilna temperaturna razporeditev kakor tudi samo vzdrževanje temperature v določenih fazah obdelave kovin.  Tako lahko tudi s pomočje brez kontaktnega merilnika temperature beležimo in reguliramo temperaturo izhodnih kosov.

The monitoring and the controlling of temperatures is one of the most important factors to guarantee the required product quality and profitability in induction hardening processes. For these applications pyrometry allows a separate and accurate measurement and documentation of each components temperature.

Naše rešitve:

Stacionarni IR merilniki temperature: IS 5, IS 12, IS 140, IGA 5, IGA 12, IGA 140, ISQ5, ISQ 5-LO, ISQ 12-LO, IGAR 12-LO, ISQ 5-LO, ISR 12-LO, IGAR 12-LO

Regulacija indukcije - generator: IMPAC DA 6000-C,  Hanyoung Nux Korea

In induction brazing and soldering applications, correct temperature and heating rates , precise dosing and concentration of heat input and high process repeatability are instrumental in meeting the specified quality requirements and achieving optimum utilization of energy.

Temperature is a crucial process parameter for satisfactory weld qualities, i.e. the weld seam temperature must be measured and controlled continuously.

Naše rešitve:

Stacionarni IR merilniki temperature: ISR 12-LO

Termografske kamere: MSC 640, DIAS Infrared GmbH


Generally temperature measurement is required at the following three critical steps in the production process of aluminium extrusion profiles:

After preheating of the billet – When the profile exits the die – When the profile is quenched

Naše rešitve:

Stacionarni IR merilniki temperature: IS 12-AL, IS12-AL/S, IPE 140, IP 140, IGA 5, IGA 8, IGA 15 plus



Pouring streams of aluminium can only be measured with pyrometers using the optical non-contact technology.


The measurement of aluminium melt in the melting pot is critical.

Naše rešitve:

Stacionarni IR merilniki temperature: IS 12-AL



The measuring conditions while forging aluminium provide usable and easily repeatable results.


For process control, measurements of semi-finished products after preheating and before forming are also possible.

Naše rešitve:

Stacionarni IR merilniki temperature: IS 12-AL, IS12-AL/S



Naše rešitve:

Stacionarni IR merilniki temperature: ISR 12-LO, ISR 320, ISR 6 advanced

Prenosni IR merilniki temperature: IS 8 pro

Termografske kamere: MIKRON MC 320, DIAS Infrared GmbH